Aug 6, 2012

What Letting Go Has Taught Me

I will not say it's easy
We all have our own way
Of doing, of imagining, of believing
So letting go is not an easy place to be

But recently I learned
That letting go was a necessary step
In being who I was created to be
And allowing others their authenticity as well

Letting go, for me, means loving more
And trusting more that all will be well
That foundations that were set
Were deeply rooted

The outcomes were never in my hands
And letting go doesn't try to blame or change someone
It helps me be all of my true self and others to find their own way
For we are all on as journey together, yet individually.

Letting go allows for support without judgement
And allows others the freedom to affect their future
And it is living wholeheartedly and in truth
To become what I dream to be and others to be who they are
With all our strengths, joys, sorrows and humanness

And it is so much about acceptance and embracing
Not running to fix or change or rescue
But it is really about loving--deeply and richly
Both myself and others, wholly and completely

Thank you for giving me the courage I need.

To let go and let God.

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