Aug 2, 2012

Seeking Light

I like to take the road less traveled
The back roads seem to call my name
As I walk through the woods on a bright summer day
I notice how the sunlight peaks through the towering oak trees

I am not bathed in the constant, bright sunlight
But there are shadows that fall and make their way to earth
Allowing just a soft beam or glimmer, a glow
Reminding me of the ways God breaks through our darkness

Sometimes it is so subtle--
A word or a thought
Or our eyes set on something
And we slowly see the night lifting

We can't fathom how dark a night can be
Unless we are the one seeking the light
Each moment and experience brings us closer
For it is in darkness that we truly understand light's illumination

As if on the dark night of the soul
All is working together to bring new light, a new song
But we never could have imagined it, had we not lived it
And slowly the glow burns more brightly and shines outward

And when darkness turns to light
It is so humbling, so all-consuming
As if you've discovered the greatest of mysteries
Yet there is One who has led you to the path

One that has revealed the light

Set the path
Sung the melody
Opened your soul.
Created the new day dawning

Illumine me
God of Light

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