Mar 17, 2011

Uncovering Spring

The remnants of winter still are evident--
The leafless or crunchy leaves on the trees
The hard and brittle ground once frozen
The closed doors of homes still hibernating

But the winter gives way to the impending spring
The birds are chirping on this day where sunshine warms
And the sky's sunlight seems so brilliant as I squint to see
And hear children's laughter waft through the air

Such a reminder of this time of Lent--
The preparation that it takes to move
From the winter of our souls to feel spring within
To unleash parts of our hearts held in pain or sin

To walk the journey of the cross of sacrifice
To the freedom of resurrection and new life
This day is my reminder to move, to act, to pray
To prepare all that is inside as outside we look to newness

The brittle, the broken, the torn away, the crumpled up
Is given new bloom, new life, new mending,
New healing and new perspective for living
The old is gone, behold the new has come.

Welcome Spring.

1 comment:

KelliGirl said...

Wow, Jerry! You captured exactly what I'm feeling. Both in my heart and when I was out enjoying the day today. I'm so glad to see you writing and so blessed by your words.

Thank God for the rebirth and rejuvenation of spring. How awesome is His creation!

Lots of love,