Of the season...I hear so many sounds
Some so pleasing...the sounds of an angelic choir
The glee of childrens' excitement
Or the patience that wears thin
Or the canned music in a department store
But yet, there are the gentle words
Of a Christmas pageant,
"For unto us is born..."
I hear so much, yet I ponder now
In this season of Advent and preparation
How well I listen...am I tuned into the soul of a person?
For it is in listening with the ears of the heart than God moves me
For I can hear noises enveloping me
But when I listen, at this time
With intention, with purpose, with openness
I am more awake, and alive and alert to this world
To the cries of the hearts around
To the wanderings of my own soul
I know longer just hear sounds
But in listening with my heart
I am changed, I am moved, I am transformed
Because there is a place of brokenness and deep need
Where my listening and understanding are needed
To move to be Jesus' hands and feet and heart on earth
For the sounds aren't meant to be loud, clashing noise
But instead, hearts and souls working to reach out in love
Listening deeply to both deep joy and painful struggle
To learn to live with hands open, and feet willing to act
For by listening, there is a chance for harmony.
And by listening
We can welcome in a new way
The Prince of Peace
To change our hearts
And transform the world.
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