Help me center in this time of Advent
Wait. Expect. Hope. Prepare.
The waiting has always been so hard
With a heart that needs to practice patience
But in the waiting, in the solace, I enter Holy Presence.
When I can put the busyness of thoughts
The distractions of readying the outside
And turn my thoughts to the inside
I begin to see what joyful expectation looks like.
I desire to be present with you
O God, who is always present with me
I desire to be faithful to you
O God, who is always faithful to me
I see the glow of the manager ahead
And I am content with this moment
This hopeful anticipation.
Help me to surrender all my cluttered thoughts
That dim the clear view of your light
That I wish for, hope for, long for
In this season of waiting, of preparing
Of examining my heart and seeing
What lies there that needs restoring
Be Still, My Soul
Let me really listen
Let me really hear
The joyful expressions
And the painful cries
That envelop strangers and friends
Because I know you present everywhere
In everyone
There are still, small voices
Whispers within that call me
Into this Holy Presence
This time of both mystery and wonder.
Let me hear. Let me listen.
Let me respond. Let me praise.
Prepare me for the journey to
the Prince of Peace.
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