Dec 3, 2008

Poem: The Shell


The shell’s solid outer covering
Feels like thick skin—firm to the touch
Tiny holes seep into the gray and white coating
As run my fingers over all the ridges
Worn, yet still strong

The thrashing of the waves
Tossing and turning
Battering and bruising
And breaking apart its wholeness

Yet, washed clean and thirsting
Through the imminent drenching
Of the tide, that though rough
Is shelter and refuge, too

For turning to see the shell’s inside
Its rare splendor sparkles
Revealing a luster that illuminates—
That reflects light and glimmers

Taking what was once broken and defeated
To reveal a new smoothness and softness
That is not perfection, but exposes its genuineness
Uncovering what is authentic and real

The broken shell
Now renewed

By the plan of the
Author and Maker of her life
Mending what is broken
Giving hope through despair
Allowing joy through the pain
To be beauty and a gift of upward glory

Unfolding spirit with beauty and truth
In an extraordinary way

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