Dec 11, 2012

Advent Reflection

"Come, Lord Jesus!" our souls cry
As we wait for the one we long for:
God with us.

Yet, we so easily get distracted
At all things that pull us away--
Our schedules are full
And we are running at a frantic pace

So filled with all there is to do
That we forget to just be...
To be waiting to seek quiet spaces
And to listen for your voice.

For we want to run to the manger
To fast forward to what awaits us there
But there is work to do in our hearts
As we reflect on what a Savior really means

Help us to linger and seek
The joy of your presence
Instead of filling our lives
With activity that leaves us empty

Fill us with the gifts of solace
And teach us once and for all
To truly be still and know that you are God
And to be content in the waiting.

We need to approach in reverence
And examine our heart and soul
So we can receive the gift in a new way--
The gift of a tiny baby who comes to save the world

Our Savior that comes to save us.

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