Jul 29, 2012


I want to be a child of wonder
To live in amazement
And to constantly
Be surprised by joy

May I be captured by rainbows
And washed by the rain
That precedes
The glorious vivid colors

To be exhilarated by the sights
Of the highest mountain peak
Or the rich orange of the
Sun waking the new day
Over the vast ocean's horizon

To love every living thing--
The delicate butterfly,
The wildflowers
In their wisps of color
The deer that runs with grace.

To be awestruck
By the laughter of child
Or the smile of a friend
Or the healing that finally comes.

To know the roots of life
Are ground deeply
In the One
Who creates
And sustains
And lifts up
And carries
And redeems.

Pure wonder.

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