Nov 12, 2010

Pressing Forward

I can see now

I can look within

And no longer be startled

But what is alive within me

I can see the blemishes

And the mistakes

The choices and imperfection

And allow acceptance

For failing gives way to

Newness and fresh perspective

That I had not yet discovered

And it helps me to press forward

I am learning how to receive

As a blessing

To let walls and preconceptions

Not define me

But instead accept

And receive

Understand and persevere

I am evolving

In the way God has planned

It is not my timetable, but His

And every moment, experience, breath

All belongs to Him

No need to manipulate

The timetable

To insist on my way

Instead, embracing

The creation, the sustaining,

The life-changing and the ordinary

I see my humanness

And His perfection

My incompleteness

And His all-encompassing love

Even the unwelcome

Or unwanted circumstances

I can receive

For in the mystery, in the unknown

Is the God who never leaves

And is carefully knitting

The tapestry together

The ideal, the seamless

Always out of reach,

But what is authentic

What is true

Is revealed in the here and now,

In the ordinary, the everyday.

I do not wait for the

Flaws, the chips, the pieces

To be healed and whole

I just take one step at a time.

Pressing forward.

Learning. Growing.

Loving. Accepting.


Finally, trusting.

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