On the eve of Easter morning
I breathe in deeply and I remember
Empty Tomb
Journey to the cross
Lamb of God
Takes away sins of the world
My sin. And yours.
How have I pierced His side?
How does He forgive my indifference?
How do I betray? Deny? Judge?
I am humbled.
Unfathomable love.
Unconditional forgiveness.
Unquestionable grace.
Unbelievable hope.
Your love, so gentle and constant.
This act so selfless and complete.
Yet I look within at how I still hold back
You nudge, you whisper, you wait
Yet in the light of the Ressurection
Everything changes.
Remove what is old and dead in me
Enter my life boldly and in a fresh way
Melt away all that belongs to the past
And make me new in you...striving for the dawn
Leaving the darkness and shadows behind
Just as you called Mary at the tomb
You call my name. You call each one.
Death is overcome. Hope is alive.
How will I practice ressurection?
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