A friend asked me recently
How I made sense of the losses in life
And not to lose faith in spite of them
And I prayed for the discernment to know...
But I'm at the point of my life where I know
That losses bring about just as much depth
And understanding as love and joy
For it is in the letting go that I've discovered
The true sense of myself and where I belong.
For God has taken all the pieces of me...
Sorrows as well as joys, heartache as well as triumphs
And woven them together...just as He knit me together in Creation
So that my life's story could be told and could bring Glory to Him
For losses and griefs may seem overwhelming at times
But they give me a deeper sense of who I am at the core of my soul
And they give me an amazing hope when I realize, once again
That all that is broken--all the wounds, loss and pain--
Have been healed to reveal something deeper, richer, fuller
All that is broken is made beautiful.
For with a heart of faith, there is a glimmering hope that shines
For the gift of learning finally how to let go of what does not belong
And the gift of clinging to the One I do belong to -- completely, wholly
Shows me that all the pieces of brokenness that once were scattered
Are just clinks in the armor of love--wounds that have been restored,
Lessons learned, and faith deepened to overflowing to the God who is my refuge
And strength, the One who already knowsHis plans for me
Who doesn't view me as broken, but as His beautiful Child
The One who satisfies the desires of my heart
The One who forgives the crimson of my guilty stains
The One who has taught me I am no longer unworthy
But a masterpiece He created to be used for His glory.
The One who turns broken into beautiful.
1 comment:
I am just reading this now and am so incredibly blessed by your words. Your writing always evokes much emotion but this one really lays bear such truth and beauty. THank you so much for your honesty and vulnerability. I know that you've had more than your fair share of tough times, but through the struggles the transforming grace of Jesus has truly crafted you into a beautiful and remarkable woman of faith. Keep writing!
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