With amazed admiration and awe
Of each breath we are given,
Of each precious moment we live.
We walk through the Advent season
And we reflect and introspect
And we make room, open space
For the gift of the Savior--
Emmanuel, God with us.
And then we take the decorations down,
And the parties stop, and life gets back
To the normal routine in which
We entered into the season.
But God keeps putting the gift of wonder
In my heart -- that mystery of faith
And I am filled with such gratitude
For no matter the circumstance
There is this sparkling wonder in every day.
And when I am attentive and awake
When I am alive and thankful
I can see God's fingerprints in everything
To be on this journey is such an amazing gift.
I am filled with awe when I recall
All the abundance with which God has loved
And all the ways that even on the darkest nights
God never leaves, never abandons, never lets go.
Let me live each day looking for the wonder
Let me trade in my worry for wonder
Let me turn my despair into hope
Let me see even in the dark the amazing light ahead
For Christ has come
In glory and in wonder.