There is deep mystery
When I take the time to
"Be still and know"...
Listening to my life.
For it has
A pattern
A history
A future
The ebb and flow.
There are times of suffering
And they are the times I seem
Out of sync, out of step
But through it all there is
A stream of love that flows through
Of knowing I am loved and loving
I am forgiven and forgiving
I have strived and I am striving
Reaching still, running the race.
There is perseverance and fortitude
There is joy in knowing I am beloved
And that I belong to the One
Who created me, sustained me
Redeems me.
Listening to my life means
There is such hope in all I have been
In all I am still, by God's grace, becoming
The ordinary that gives way to the holy, the sacred.
Hidden moments in my heart
That are somehow God's whispers of grace
That incite a passion in me to be more
To be a vessel and to pour love
The same love that was given so freely.