Sometimes life is full of wonderful surprises
Blessings, really, that you know you don't deserve
I believe that's God's grace blowing through
Making you know you are seen and heard and loved
Sometimes that gift comes in a way
That makes your world so complete
Someone understands you deeply
Someone encourages your gifts
Someone loves you with an earthly love
Like you have not experienced before
When that gift is given it changes you
You see the world in these bright vivid colors
A rainbow--so glorious and brilliant
And the horizon is forever illuminated ahead
The gift is given and you know you won't be the same
And you long to know that the gift will last forever
But you can only take it one day at a time
Because, for you, it's like a miracle
That you've spent your life longing for
You find your true north
It is deep and satisfying
It is joyful and hopeful
It is deep and sensitive
It is a culmination
Of dreams finally coming true
Then just like that
Your true north disintegrates before you
The path you were traveling twists and turns again
And you are left with an ache that can't be described
Yet, your true north is a journey
To find who you were truly created to be
Persistent love that brought you here
And though it has been taken away
You look up through the tears
And a rainbow lights the sky again
Reminding you
God keeps His promises
And He will never leave
Just keep true north
Burning in your heart.